Sugarcane Irrigation Scheduling


AgriTech Solutions provides training and product support for IrrigWeb which is a web-based sugarcane irrigation scheduling tool. IrrigWeb provides irrigators with current and local advice on sugarcane crop water use and development based on meteorological inputs and paddock characteristics (e.g. soil type, crop cycle, irrigation scheduling). Information outputs include soil water balance, canopy development, water stress, crop water use and field components.
Some of the web based outputs from IrrigWeb are provided below as examples:


IrrigWeb water balance, displaying rainfall, irrigation, soil water deficit and refill point:

Crop water use – IrrigWeb calculates daily water use for each paddock:

IrrigWeb keeps a record of irrigation application and rainfall. IrrigWeb also calculates canopy development (Light interception, Li%) and determines the level of stress experienced during the growing period:

IrrigWeb determines both a total biomass yield and a cane yield based upon irrigation inputs and the weather: